Krysta is Goodwins’ newest cadet to graduate to property manager. Five years (coming up in August) with Goodwins, Krysta progressed through various roles to get to where she is today. Put it down to focus and discipline, characteristics sharpened in her earlier life as an elite sportsperson. Aged 11 years old, Krysta picked up a softball bat and never looked back. Representing Auckland in under-13s to under-19s, her first experience as a White Sox was singing the national anthem and performing the haka at the World Series in Canada in 2012. She spent a decade traveling to tournaments around the globe, including the Olympic Qualifier in China in 2019.

Q: How did you get your start in property management, Krysta?

KH: “I’m a relatively new property manager. Five years ago, I joined Goodwins as an administrator and then progressed to the position of assistant property manager and helped the business development team occasionally. I then later moved into a cadet role before taking the reins as a fully-fledged property manager. I’m really grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to learn and work my way up. It’s something I can look back on and say, what a ride!”

Q: What were you doing before joining Goodwins?

KH: “I worked at OfficeMax in the technology team – a completely different industry. After three-to-four years of that things got a bit stale and when I saw the opportunity at Goodwins I thought, why not? What I really enjoy about working at Goodwins is that no two days are the same. You’re always learning. And even though I’ve been here almost five years, I still have so much more to learn.”

Q: What’s your sense of the market, Krysta – is Auckland still short of good rental properties?

KH: “Right now I have a good number of two-to-three-bedroom properties on the books. Anything around $800 (and less) a week attracts a lot of interest. Recently I had to bring a colleague to a viewing because there were over 40 parties interested. In my mind, demand for higher end properties has cooled – unless the property ticks all the boxes for a prospective tenant. Maybe it’s a sign of the times – a symptom of the so-called cost of living crisis. Ask me again in spring.”

Q: What can landlords expect when they deal with you?

KH: “I’m honest. I don’t mince my words. If a property owner comes to me and says, I want this amount of rent, and I don’t think it’s realistic – I’ll be honest with them from the get-go. I believe honesty upfront saves disappointment down the line.”

Q: Why do landlords seek out a professional property manager?

KH: “I think staying on top of the new regulations, in particular healthy homes compliance, is tough for landlords. It’s easy to get tripped up. We can rent a non-compliant home, but the landlord has 120 days to get it up to scratch. Come July 2025 all rental properties must be compliant from the get-go. So, we’re planting that seed right now. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is responsible for enforcing healthy homes compliance and can at any stage audit properties under our care. Landlords can be fined up to $4,000 for renting a non-compliant property. Most people think about insulation and heating, but draught stopping can also be a big issue. Rental homes can’t have unnecessary gaps or holes in walls, ceilings, windows, floors, and doors that cause noticeable draughts. If your house is draughty, its age or condition is no excuse. Unreasonable gaps must be stopped or sealed.”

Q: What is it you love about working at Goodwins?

KH: “I really enjoy the way Goodwins works. Because it’s a family-owned business everyone is always on the same page, including management. You’re always looked after and exposed to new ways to do things, particularly systems. I understand that some people dislike change, but you’ve just got to embrace it given the advances offered by technology. I think it’s smart to open your systems to landlords so they can see the status of their properties. The transparency is great.”

Ticking the box on compliance is a tricky business. Call Krysta on 021 278 1077 to put your property into the hands of a pro.